Maths homework

We have been learning how to find the area of different shapes this week

Follow this link to find the area of a parallelogram- see if the adults in your house know how to do this too!

Leave a comment once you have completed the activity- did you remember how to do it? Do you have any advise for others who might find it tricky? Did you convince the adults in your house to give it a try?

Homework- due back Monday 2nd October

Year 6 Homework 27th September 2017- due in Monday 2nd October 2017

Your spellings this week are:
bruise, determined, programme, thorough, shoulder
These will be tested on Monday
Please revise your 3 times tables and 6 times tables (from 1 x 3 = 3 all the way up to 12 x 3 = 36 and 1 x 6 = 6 up to 12 x 6 = 72)

If you have been signed up to Times Tables Rock Stars, you can access this at home so that you can learn your tables in this way too.

If you would like to enter this week, the 100 word challenge is to write a review about a recent football match. Remember: you will need to include each of the spellings from this week and make sure you write 100 words.
You can bring your 100 word challenge into school handwritten or printed out, or they can be uploaded onto the Year 6 Blog.
Reading: Please make sure that you are reading a book that you enjoy and that you talk to an adult about it. We are learning about science fiction this week, so if you can find a science fiction book to read, that would be even better!

Homework- due back on Monday 18th September 2017

Your spellings this week are:
communicate, foreign, government, language, necessary
These will be tested on Monday

Please revise your 2 times tables and 5 times tables (from 1 x 2 = 2 all the way up to 12 x 2 = 24 and 1 x 5 = 5 up to 12 x 5 = 60)

If you would like to enter this week, the 100 word challenge is to write a report about Aliens invading Waddington. Remember: you will need to include each of the spellings from this week and make sure you write 100 words.
You can bring your 100 word challenge into school handwritten or printed out, or they can be uploaded onto the Year 6 Blog- there is a separate section for the 100 word challenges.

Reading: Please make sure that you are reading a book that you enjoy and that you talk to an adult about it. We are learning about science fiction this week, so if you can find a science fiction book to read, that would be even better!

We all hope that the new Year Six have had a wonderful first day and are enjoying their new classes. There will be a lot of exciting learning about Earth and Beyond (our Space themed topic) to look forward to: in particular, we have a planetarium visiting our school tomorrow so we can learn more about the night sky. Make sure that you all bring plenty of enthusiasm with you!

Welcome back

We look forward to welcoming you back as the new year sixes on Monday morning.

We have a very exciting and busy day prepared for you so please don’t forget to bring in your wellies, gardening gloves, raincoat (if it looks like rain!) and trowels/spades so that we can really get ‘stuck in’ to creating our victory gardens.

It might be a good idea to wear an older polo shirt or bring a top to change into so that you don’t get a lovely new uniform covered in dirt on your first day.

If you don’t have this all of this equipment please do not worry as we are sure that your classmates will be happy to share with you- the teachers will also be bringing in some equipment too.

See you all on Monday morning.

Last day of term

The arrangements for the last day of term are as follows:
Please send your child in their usual uniform.
They may bring in a spare polo top/t-shirt to have signed by their classmates. Please also send a pen for your child to use.

Children may bring a non-electronic game to play in classrooms.

Our leavers assembly will be first thing- parents are welcome to stay for this.

The children may be collected from school early at 2.30pm. If you would like your child to walk home alone, please send them with a letter to give permission- otherwise, children will remain in school until 3.20pm.


Writers workshop



Today, 6 of our most talented writers attended a professional workshop with pupils from four different schools across Lincoln. It was led by a qualified and experienced script-writer, William Gallagher. Whilst with him, all of the students completed tasks such as story-writing, creating an unusual character and writing a news article.
We really enjoyed today as we had a lot of fun.
Carys and Sophie.

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